incident at Perkins Cave

20th Sep 1979
ACA 1976-1979 p. 73
Perkins Cave
United States of America
Incident type
Group type
Group size
Aid type
Underground aid
Incident flags

Injured cavers

Name Age Sex Injuries Injured areas
Campbell, Dale 18 Male Not recorded Not recorded

Incident report

On Thursday, September 20 at about 9:30 p.m., Dale Campbell Randy Welch (18) entered Perkins Cave near Montreal, Missouri for a couple of hours of exploration. After 2 1/2 hours they were about a half mile into the maze cave when their only flashlight began to fail. They started out but after another half hour the dimming flashlight failed completely. They tried to continue with cigarette lighters but these also failed and they were left in the dark. Occasionally they would sleep or move about in an attempt to keep warm. Time passed. The cavers began to lose hope. Meanwhile, the fall meeting of the Middle-Mississippi Valley Region of the NSS was going on not far away. Three cavers, desiring an interesting cave to explore were directed to Perkins Cave. On Sunday, they went to the cave and were exploring when their talking was heard by the lost cavers who yelled to attract their attention. The rescuers gave the lost cavers some food and water and led them out. It was reported that others had searched part of the cave for the lost boys earlier using dogs.

Analysis: If authorities did search the cave unsuccessfully, the boys were probably lost for good except for their chance meeting with cavers. Cavers need to work on county authorities in cave areas to get them to call on cavers to help in cave accidents. The boys, so poorly equipped, are another example of cavers not involved with organized caving undertaking exploration in a way no organized caver would.


  1. References: John Baz-Dresch Personal Communication October 1, 1979. Nick Sacco "Camdenton Pair Are Lost in Dark Perkins Cave Three Days" The Lake Sun September 25, 1979. Dwight Weaver Personal Communication April 14, 1980. Editor "Rescue, an unexpected feature of cave explorer convention" The Eldon Advertiser October 4, 1979 p 7.
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC.