Name | Age | Sex | Injuries | Injured areas |
Gillies, Roger | 17 | Male | Fracture | Finger |
Indiana, Coon's Cave:
On 8 December a party of two experienced cavers, Gene Jurgonski (35) and Larry Reece (25). and six novices, Mark Armstrong (16), Russ Anderson (17), Roger Gillies (17). Jim Roach (15). Paul Blum (16) and Pat Moore (17). visited Coon's Cave. They entered at 10:30 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. were descending a breakdown slope; Jurgonski had descended a 10 foot chimney at the base of the slope and was in the lower passage. Blum was working his way down the chimney, and the remainder were on the slope when a block weighing about 20 pounds was dislodged and rolled toward the chimney. Gillies attempted to stop the rock but only slowed it. A warning was shouted to Blum. who jumped aside as the rock fell. grazing his back as it passed. The trip continued but it was discovered on the following day that Gillies had broken his finger.
Source: Larry Reece
Analysis: (Reece) The experienced cavers should probably have given closer supervision to the others. In addition, the group was too large. causing persons to be crowded too closely together in an area of unstable rocks.
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC.