incident at W.V.'s Cave

19th Mar 1983
ACA 1983 p. 351
W.V.'s Cave
West Virginia
United States of America
Incident type
Acetylene related
Group type
Group size
Aid type
Incident flags

Injured cavers

Name Age Sex Injuries Injured areas
Seavers, Kent 30 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded

Incident report

On March 19, 1983, three cavers were exploring in a West Virginia cave. After some ten hours of caving they started out. About half-way out, still below the 6th climb to the entrance, they stopped to recarbide. As Kent Seavers (30) opened his pack there was a tremendous explosion. The acetylene fireball burned Seavers' face, singeing his eyebrows and causing loss of vision in both eyes. It was decided to self-rescue, both because of hypothermiating conditions and the apparent urgent need of professional care for the victim's eyes. Between the group and the entrance were several tricky climbs and a section of breakdown involving tight squeezes. The victim climbed blind, on belay, using instructions from a companion. The breakdown squeezes were done with the victim keeping one hand on a companion's foot, for guidance. The trip out was without further incident. After a couple of weeks his eyesight was back to normal.

Incident analysis

The cavers felt that the ballistic nylon pack was gas-tight, resulting in a rush of acetylene when opened. Neither the pack nor its contents were damaged, indicating that the gas in the pack did not explode. Their recommendation is that a pack have ventilation-that is, not be made water tight and thus air-tight-to lessen the degree of danger from gas build-up.


Kent Seavers (30) was injured due to an explosion caused by an acetylene gas build-up in a gas-tight pack during a cave trip.


  1. Tommy Shifflett "Cave Accident" Groundhog (Shenandoah Valley Grotto) unnumbered undated (approx Aug, 1983).
  2. Tommy Shifflett Personal Communication Dec 9, 1983.
  3. Kent Seavers Personal Communication Dec 6, 1983.
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC. The data was processed and input using AI.