incident at Swego Pit

26th Nov 1983
ACA 1983 p. 356
Swego Pit
West Virginia
United States of America
Incident type
Group type
Group size
Aid type
Incident flags

Injured cavers

Name Age Sex Injuries Injured areas
Miller, Greg 37 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded
Miller, June 35 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded
Miller, Judy Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded

Incident report

At 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 26, four cavers entered Swego Pit in West Virginia. They had ropes and gear for the four drops to reach the Carpenter System as well as photo equipment. Heavy rains the previous day had made water flow high so they wore wool clothes under coveralls and used trash bags to keep water off. After 8 hours of caving through the Dry Gallery and the extension they decided to go out. Hauling the now wet packs and rope through a 1200 foot stoop-walk passage Greg Miller (37) tore a lower back muscle and strained other muscles. The 2nd drop was thus made very slow and difficult with Miller using his arms for most of the work of ascending, June Miller (wife, 35) was next up. It was decided that she would go for dry clothes while the others sought help from cavers at nearby caves. The dry clothes arrived at 2 a.m. but communication down the 70 foot entrance pit was impossible due to water noise, so June Miller descended. At 3:40 a.m. the first rescuer descended while others set up a hauling system. Another descended with a hot drink and hauling system instructions. The two victims were hauled up by 4:40 a.m. Judy Miller having become cold during the wait.

Incident analysis

It was 7 weeks after the incident before Miller's muscles had healed. In youth he had suffered polio, but this situation is not different from anyone who overextends and becomes exhausted. In this case the wet gear was a burden they had not expected-their previous experience was mostly in the dry caves of the Guadalupes. We must all do our best to learn our limits and see the situations we encounter in the light of these limits. In this case, the trip through the stoopway perhaps should have been declined.


Injury sustained from overexertion during a cave exit with heavy, wet gear.


  1. Jim Vernon Personal Communication Dec 19, 1983
  2. Steve Goslawski Personal Communication Dec 13, 1983
  3. Bob Warshow "Swego Pit Rescue" Massachusetts Caver Dec, 1983
  4. Greg Miller "Incident-Swego Pit, West Virginia" Report to the NCRC Dec 2, 1983
  5. Greg Miller Personal Communication Jan 27, 1984
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC. The data was processed and input using AI.