incident at Hosterman's Pit

4th Feb 1984
ACA 1983-1984 p. 357
Hosterman's Pit
Centre County
United States of America
Incident type
Group type
Group size
Aid type
Incident flags

Injured cavers

Name Age Sex Injuries Injured areas
Kennedy, Jim 23 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded

Incident report

On Saturday, February 4, a group of five cavers entered Hosterman's Pit in Centre County, Pennsylvania. About halfway through their trip they reached the Subway. In an effort to avoid the water, Jim Kennedy (23) tried to climb to a ledge. In stretching and exerting to reach the ledge, he "applied a little too much rotational force to (his) right leg, aggravating an old knee injury." He collapsed, partly in the water, but with assistance, pulled himself out. The knee began swelling but he could still flex it and put weight on it. They decided to head out, the others helping Kennedy. He managed a narrow, sloping chimney using only his good leg. He traversed the top of the Pipe Pit on belay and soon was at the bottom of the entrance drop. By modifying his vertical rig into a Texas (one leg Jumar, one seat sling Jumar) he ascended with help from a caver ascending a second rope.

Incident analysis

Kennedy's knee had suffered a "ruptured lateral collateral ligament" 18 months prior to this incident. It had not given trouble for a year so he wore a knee pad instead of a brace. One should consider, however, that a weakened major joint might well give problems in a situation like caving with its diverse and stressful contortions, and do what one can do to control this possibility, such as wear a brace, and avoid the particular movements that stress the injured joint in the direction it is weakest. Everyone has limitations - the problem is to find and respect them.


Jim Kennedy aggravated an old knee injury while trying to avoid water in Hosterman's Pit.


  1. Jim Kennedy "Accident Report" Nittany Grotto News 31:2 Winter 1984 p 17
  2. Personal Communication, March 1985
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC. The data was processed and input using AI.