incident at Snail Shell Cave

20th May 1984
ACA 1983-1984 p. 359
Snail Shell Cave
United States of America
Incident type
Group type
Group size
Aid type
Incident flags

Injured cavers

Name Age Sex Injuries Injured areas
Whitfield, James 21 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded
Day, Randy 26 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded
Tibbs, Bryan 20 Not recorded Not recorded Not recorded

Incident report

On Sunday, May 20, at about 5 p.m. James Whitfield (21), Randy Day (26) and
Bryan Tibbs (20) plus a pet dog entered Snail Shell Cave in Rutherford County,
Tennessee. The group used a borrowed canoe and had a Coleman lantern, a
flashlight and a Bic lighter. Some distance into the cave, one of the men stood up,
capsizing the canoe. Tibbs held on to the canoe while the others treaded water.
Tibbs finally found an underwater rock on which he could balance himself, head out
of the water. One after the other, he heard the sounds of his companions drowning.
At 6 p.m. the owner of the canoe became alarmed; the men had promised to
return in 15 minutes. He called the Rutherford County Rescue Squad, which arrived
at 7:30 p.m. Tibbs was found by 10:30 p.m. The bodies of the other two were found
early the next morning in 20 feet of water, by dragging from a boat.

Incident analysis

The survivor was found 250 yards inside the cave. He was hospitalized for
hypothermia and shock. The others apparently swam for some time and there was
conversation between them. The group formed just to "explore" the cave and
apparently had no knowledge of each other, caves, or canoes. NCRC help was
suggested, but never called for.


Two drowned and one survived with hypothermia after capsizing a canoe in Snail Shell Cave.


  1. "Man Hospitalized After Accident in Cave Kills Two" The Tennessean
  2. Tuesday, May 22, 1984 p 4-B.
  3. "Two Men Drown in Rutherford Cave" Nashville Banner May
  4. 21, 1984 p 1.
  5. Jim Lawrence NSS Accident Report undated, 2 pp.
  6. "Trapped underground for 7 hours" National Enquirer January 8,
  7. 1985 p 45.
This record was last updated on 27th Apr 2024 at 23:11 UTC. The data was processed and input using AI.