Name | Age | Sex | Injuries | Injured areas |
Louden, Phyllis | Not recorded | Female | Death | Not recorded |
Louden, Kelly | 5 | Female | Death | Not recorded |
Louden, Karen | 4 | Female | Not recorded | Not recorded |
On June 15, 1967, during the return from a family hike to the Paradise Glacier ice caves, Phyllis Louden (mother) and daughters Kelly (5) and Karen (4) were killed by a slide into a stream under the snow. The father, Melvin Louden, and son Mark (6) had earlier fallen into a cave nearby but made their way back to Paradise, unaware the others had also slid down the same snow slope into the many-chambered hole.
The bodies of Mrs. Louden and one daughter were found and recovered the next day; the third body was recovered by a SCUBA diver 2 days after the tragedy.
Apparently the family had attempted a short-cut to the road below by way of the gully of snow which had become hardened and icy after the sun left it. They also failed to note, before they started sliding, the hole at the bottom of the gulley.